Friday, June 3, 2011

007 / already behind; time for 23

I meant to try to post every day on this thing, starting with my birthday (which was Wednesday).  I just want to resolve to post something - a quote, a picture, an actual update on my life... it doesn't really matter.  Just something.

So!  Wednesday was my 23rd birthday :) I was lucky enough to spend most of it with my love, who loves birthdays and agrees that I get to be queen of the world on my special day. :) 

He's very funny and very much enjoys celebrating things like birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc.  I am not so big on my own birthday, because I usually feel as though I have little to no control over what happens.  For example, I spent my 21st birthday in a van coming home from the beach with my family.  I had no celebration, I don't even think we had a special dinner.  Throughout high school, I kept having band or orchestra concerts the evening of my birthday.  My track record for being able to celebrate my birthday on the actual day has not been good, really.

But this year, I did celebrate, at least a little.  I didn't end up having to go to work, so after K finished up at work, he came to pick me up and we went to have Mongolian barbecue at Genghis Grill in Kingstowne, followed by a scoop of my favorite ice cream!  The evening was topped off by watching Fast Five (which was awesome). 

I guess that's all I have for now.  I need to get some sleep! 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

006 / I have GOT to actually remember to write in this thing.

The issue is, I am horrible at remembering to keep up with a journal.  I have tried for years on different sites, especially Livejournal (there have been several attempts at that one, too). 

I am finishing up my last true semester of undergraduate work.  Only exams, and nine more weeks this summer, and then... it's over.  I feel as though I ought to be relieved that I'll have a break from school, but I don't honestly know how I'm going to handle it.  I "thrive" when I have a busy, stressing, strung-out, jam-packed schedule, and I don't even have anything lined up for the fall.  Am I going to work?  Get a jump-start on graduate classes?  Disappear off the face of the earth?  I don't know.  I am clueless, and I am not okay with that.  I'm considering applying to be a full-time teacher's aide for the county, but I need to get on the ball for that one, and quickly, if I want to do it.  What I'd really like is if the company I currently work for would hire me full-time, but I doubt that will happen.  After all, I'm going to be leaving in a year, and they want to invest in people who have more time to commit.

As of the beginning of the month, I have started working with a new boy, T.  He is very high-functioning, and incredibly smart (ask him anything about Star Wars, he knows the answer), but has behavioral and social issues.  This means that the work we will do is mostly going to be Theory of Mind, which happens to be a lot of fun.  We also spend breaks watching Scooby Doo and playing with Legos.  I can't resist. :)  I hope to have lots to write about with T, because I'm hopefully getting scooped up by his family to work with him this summer.  Apparently, he's already more attached to me than he was to the last girl who worked with him, so his mom asked to keep me around.  I'm glad he likes me; because of it, I haven't experienced any of the tantrums he is known to have.

G and Baby K have both been well, too.  I feel like I never see them anymore, but it's just that I've started working with T, and G and Baby K are in and out of their regular schedule.  Those boys are getting so big - I am already missing their baby selves.  G and Baby K are almost two years apart (so 6 and 4, at the moment), and they're almost the same height.  Why can't they just be their little cute selves forever?!  Sigh.

K (not to be confused with Baby K) and I celebrated nine months together on Friday. :)  I am glad he and I always have good times together.  I am looking forward to celebrating the end of my undergraduate career with him at the end of the summer.

I guess that's all I have for now.  I need to finish making comments on the computer project Shereru so painstakingly helped me with :) and turn it in so I can just be freaking done with this class.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spinach Turkey Burgers

10 oz package curly spinach leaves
~ 1/3 yellow onion, diced
~3 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
some amount of Worcestershire sauce, haha 
2.6 lb 93/7 ground turkey

Saute the spinach with onions and garlic until wilted. Chop it up in the pan with your spatula (should be soft enough). Combine all ingredients in a bowl (I put in W sauce 'til I liked how it smelled).

375, 10-11 minutes on each side. Makes 14 burgers!

Monday, January 31, 2011

004 / I haven't actually had a full week of school yet.

+ I am actually in a real computer programming class! The bs IT class I was signed up for was going to bore me to death.
+ I have homework. (Seriously, it's a plus.)
+ My job is going super well, but I'm seriously ready to receive some real training and do some real therapy.
+ K and I went to church yesterday! Catholic church, of course. He wants to "shop around" and find a place we are both happy with. Catholic church, of course. :P We also had a Bible study (my first ever!) after Mass (and lunch, because we all know how much he and I love food...)

- We had to put down our 19.5 year old cat finally. She stopped eating and drinking after months and months of being sick. :(
- We've already missed a day of school (and have to make it up) and there may be more "inclement weather" canceling school tomorrow.
- I don't have as much time to devote to the research project I'm on as I did last semester.
- Sometimes, my brain explodes.

And finally, the recipe for the turkey burgers I made (mostly for my own reference):
1.3 lb 93/7 low-fat ground turkey
1.3 lb 99% fat-free ground turkey
7 oz pico de gallo
2 tbsp Slap Ya' Mama Cajun seasoning
1 tbsp coarse black pepper
1 tbsp parsley leaves
garlic powder sprinkled on top

Oven @ 375, burgers on a baking sheet. 10 mins on each side. Makes 12 burgers.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

003 / an end and a beginning

Not that the thing ending is even in the same category as the thing beginning, mind you... haha. 

Today is the AFC/NFC championship games.  I am hoping for a Packers/Jets Superbowl come Feb 6.  (This is the thing that's ending... seriously, I don't know what I'm going to do with my Sunday afternoons between the Superbowl and pre-season.  Help!)

The thing that's beginning is the spring semester of classes.  I guess I am pretty excited because I will be done with my undergrad at the end of this year (fingers crossed!) but for some reason, I just feel like school crept up on me this time around.  I usually am really looking forward to school starting again.  Maybe it's because I still feel like I should have graduated already.  Regardless, I don't have much time left in my undergraduate career (thank God) and I'm ready to work hard this semester.  I ended up with a 3.52 last semester, and I'd really like to get at least an A- in every class, which shouldn't be too difficult because I'm taking four psychology classes and one computer programming class. :)

Yesterday my big sis left to head back to Louisiana.  I have missed her since I left LSU, and I will miss her now too, but I am so glad to be able to be by myself again.  I cannot function when I feel obligated to someone 24/7 for too long.  I think that was something about J - I could spend so much time with him and not want to jump off a cliff.  But as I learned from Bubu recently, being able to spend three days with someone and not want to kill them is not a good enough reason to be with them.  I am not intending to talk about J much, but he's unfortunately still on my mind a lot more than I'd like him to be. 

Anyway... I guess that's all for now.  I'll possibly post my class & work schedule later for anyone who is reading this :P

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

002 / felicity & fortune

I am going to have to say I'm a lucky girl.  I am surrounded by all these people who love me, I have great opportunities in my life, & more coming my way.  Sometimes it amazes me just how much I have been blessed!

I was glad to get a chance to go to Minnesota to see my friends this past weekend.  I love them together (and individually, of course!) so it was good to have them (almost) to myself, instead of having to share them like when they come here to visit. ;) It is so good to see them together, because it reminds me that you don't have to lead a fairytale life to get a fairytale ending.  It gives me hope that I will one day have one too.

I am also especially glad for Bubu, because he gives me such good advice and talks me through things from a guy perspective.  I am glad that we are able to be friends :) and I know he is, too.

Today, my big sis from LSU is coming to visit until Saturday!  I am already a little worn out on people, but I'll find some way to make it work.  I am not sure what to do with her while she's here, but we'll probably spend a day in DC - maybe tomorrow?  We're also going to go ice skating at some point... I am not creative!  I need help with planning sometimes. 

Well, I think I should try to nap a little before I have to get up and clean.  Hopefully KTP's plane will be able to land on-time tonight. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

001 / "auspicious" would get me a good Scrabble score.

January 11th, 2011 somehow seems to be an auspicious day to begin something new - a blog, as the case may be!

I'm just going to go ahead and jump right in.  :)

I work for a private group that provides daycare and ABA (applied behavioral analysis) therapy to children with autism.  I work in the office M-W, F, and then at a client's home on Saturdays. Today was a good day, but so far they all seem to be.  Sometimes I wish I had more hours to give to them at a time - 2 hours at the end of the day seems like nothing!  Especially when I'm not really doing any real therapy with G (at least for now).  He was especially sweet today - I finally got a video of him praying!  It's so sweet - he says, "Dear God, help me. Done."  He also wanted "tickle me" almost all afternoon.  I love when he's outgoing and interactive.  I also had one of the other boys playing with my hair for a little bit.  I am okay having it pulled a little bit, but chewed on is another story. :) Still, I didn't mind too much, considering this boy has ignored all of my attempts to interact with him until this afternoon.  Baby K was also having a good day, which is always appreciated!  That child has quite the temper when he gets going.  As the hiring manager said, working with him is going to give me all the training I could possibly need...

I only have one more day of work this week because I'm going to visit my friend and her fiance in Minnesota. :)  I'm really excited to get to go see them in their "natural environment", haha.  And to also meet his baby!  (I love babies.  You will learn this about me very quickly!)  After I come home Monday, my big sis from SAI will be coming to visit me here.  So excited to be seeing my best friends so close together. :)  And then finally, before classes start on the 24th, I will be going skiing with The Boy and his friend, I hope.  It might wait until the weekend after, we'll have to see.

That's all for now!  :)